Tuesday, March 22, 2011

changing times!

I love that spring is finally here. Michael and I have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather by grilling out, talking the dogs for walks, and enjoying drinks on our patio.

Big changes are happening in our household!

We are moving to a house here in Champaign. It has a big fenced in backyard for Lily and Pax, and it's much closer to campus. Move-in is slated for the end of May. Pictures to come..

I accepted a new job with and will be working and traveling with one of my favorite people in the world - my dad!


Michael got a job with a law firm in Peoria and will be living and working there for the summer. I can't believe he is almost done with his first year of law school. Two more years to go...I'm sure it will fly by...

In the meantime, I have 7 days of work left at my current job. Countdown is officially on!

stumbled upon this today and thought it was really fitting for me, given all of these changes that have happened so quickly and much of it unplanned:



Mom said...

I love the quote!

Anonymous said...

Miss grilling out with u guys! Still rain here..

Michael Shemkus said...

Who's Anonymous? :)

Unknown said...

Love the quote also!