Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Working Girl

It's only been a few months since I graduated college, but the hard reality of "the real world" has hit me-like a ton of bricks. I was so excited to get away from Lewis & Clark that I didn't take enough time to appreciate all of the great things about being a student: not having to pay bills, not having to work, having a flexible schedule, living with friends, etc...basically not worrying about boring, adult responsibilities. However after a few months of solid working 8-5 everyday, I'm beginning to miss college life more than I ever thought I would. Maybe I'm feeling particularly nostalgic because of my constant need for change, but it might be more than that. I find myself reading constantly, wishing I had the recommendations of the professors who assigned amazing books...reading the NY times for fun, instead of just for Foreign Policy.
Even though I constantly complained about classes while attending them, saying that college would much more fun if there were no tests or papers, I have begun to cultivate a great appreciate for my education, much more so than I ever could have while being a student.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lions, and Tigers, and Lily, Oh My!

Well, we just got back from our first camping trip of the year, and we wanted to share some photos from our trip. The people in them are some of our friends, Brian and Christina. We hope you enjoy them!