Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Working Girl

It's only been a few months since I graduated college, but the hard reality of "the real world" has hit me-like a ton of bricks. I was so excited to get away from Lewis & Clark that I didn't take enough time to appreciate all of the great things about being a student: not having to pay bills, not having to work, having a flexible schedule, living with friends, etc...basically not worrying about boring, adult responsibilities. However after a few months of solid working 8-5 everyday, I'm beginning to miss college life more than I ever thought I would. Maybe I'm feeling particularly nostalgic because of my constant need for change, but it might be more than that. I find myself reading constantly, wishing I had the recommendations of the professors who assigned amazing books...reading the NY times for fun, instead of just for Foreign Policy.
Even though I constantly complained about classes while attending them, saying that college would much more fun if there were no tests or papers, I have begun to cultivate a great appreciate for my education, much more so than I ever could have while being a student.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Baby Girl:

You constantly amaze me re: how grown up you are!

Love, Mom